Argentum, Bioplastics, natural dyes, thread, beads, nickel silver, 2020, 1.37¨ x 5.90¨ x 12.60¨
De la Tierra, Bioplastics, natural dyes, cotton fabric and thread, silk ribbon, beads, 2020, 0.19¨ x 6.70¨ x 13.77¨
De los Cielos, Bioplastics, natural dyes, cotton thread, 2020,
0.19¨ x 2.95¨ x 2.36¨
ARTIST MEMBER: Laura sturzenbaum
My interest in sustainable jewellery motivated myself to research about bioplastics. This material let me to incorporate fruits and vegetables for texturing and colouring. Its versatility and properties allow me to describe and explore Argentina’s diverse ecosystem as well as representing Patagonia’s landscapes and skies’ colour palette.
Email: larita-16-hotmail.com
Instagram: lara_sturzenbaumjwly