Current Member List — Greater Denton Arts Council

Greater Denton Arts Council

Current Members



Evelyn Barthold
Sonia Whiddon
Patricia & Don Edwards


Betty and Joe Roy
Cathy Bryce
Frank Parra
Kimberly Karl
Linda & Harry Eaddy
Roni & John Beasley
Dr. Stephanie Reinke


David Holdeman
David & Caia McCullar
Nancy & Doug Chadwick


Linda Creagh
Melissa Getty
Margaret Griffin
Mary E. Birden
Bob & Mary Harris
Brenda and RL Crawford, Jr.
Carol Lynn Mizell
Cathy Kerley
Cecile Johnson
Daniel Abasolo
David K. Pierce
Dieter Gaupp
Donna Trammell
Fred W Cassell
Gene & Lynn Gumfory
Hepi Wachter
Jacqueline Jackson
Janice Sheppard
Jo Kuhn
John Booth
Jo & Johnny Williams
Julia Kerestine
Kathryn Beasley
Kevin Cogan
Lauren Lake
Laverne Maule
Lona Wolfe
M. Jean Greenlaw
Michael and Sue Tenny
Neil Slater
Norman J. Pomerance
Patrice Frisby
Reanna Wallace
Robert Desiderato
Rudy Seward
Sarah McDowell
Susan Boyle
Travis Montgomery


Angela and Lucas Holl
Ashley & Aaron Bender
Bellann Hyten
Bess Miller
Bob & Joanne Moses
Bob & Terry Widmer
Brett & Linda Wallace
Cammy Estrada
Chelle Wilson
Dalton Gregory
Daniel Abasolo
Darhyl Ramsey
Doris Willis
Eric Ligon
Harlan W. Butt
James Wells
Jarrod Oram
Janet Shelton
Jeff Springer
John and Shelby Miller
John & Kendra Donahue
John & Natalie Riegelman
John & Joy Siegmund
Kerry Petersen
Laura & John Easterling
Noah Wainscott
Jesus Trujillo
Jeff Robinson
Mia Price
Laura Wells
Laurie Weller
Mary Miller
Sonya Whiddon
Marsha Williams
Cathy Brice
Bob Harris
Monica S. Moen
Natalie Nichelson
Christopher Johnson
Pamela Dietz
Paul & Janette Haywood
Paul & Wendy Leung
Richard & Kathi Sale
Robert & Diane Brown
Russell Thames
Shannon Saxton
Shelley Cushman
Terry Nobles
William & Hilda Sallack
Rodney Butler
Roshanak Keyghoababadi
Bridgette Birze


Angela Sowell
Ann Barnett
Brooke Sims
Kenneth Gaik Siew Tan
Jessi Stead
Phillip Schenk
Kate Hanley
Datong Zhang
Sue Weil
Madeline Mace
David van Buskirk
Denise Snyder
Olivia Walker
Meagan Kirschner
Sahar Tarihi
Carmel Barrett
Gail Delger
Keegan Wales
Terry Palmer
Jane Reiter
James Thurman
Amy Stephens
Tracy Welling
Arthur McViccar
Ran Zhao
Patricia Reinke
Susan Carol Davis
Hillary Dawson
Carissa Acker
Carol Short
Carolyn Johnson
Cathy Hartman
Charlotte Toal
Christine Irving
Christopher Johnson
Curtis Bagley
Dianne Randolph
Dorothea Dickey
Edward Ellis
Elizabeth Malcom
Elizabeth Trumbore
Fran White Shurtleff
Gary G. Taylor, MD
Henry Gibbons
Jaime Esposito
James Wells
Jake Laughlin
James Dallas Guill
Jan Hillman
Janice Campbell
Jean Marie Gargan
John Naab
Jon Muckley
Joseph Lippe
Judy Cole
June Berry
Katherine Curry
Kathryn S. Stream
Kay Lamb
Lea Hamilton
Linda Stinchcomb
Linnie M. McAdams
M. Jean Keller
Mandy Metts
Margaret M. Griffin
Mark Bohannon
Mary E. Birden
Mary Craver Denny
Mary Lee Kendrick
Meredith Buie
Michael Birze
Mikaela Holt
Michelle Cunningham
Monica Moen
Myriam Reynolds
Peggy W Capps
Phil Schenk
Susan Carol Davis
Susan Marquis Friday
Tzahhia Coleman
William Beckham
Xavier Bernazard
Rebecca Jackson


Angelika Fraga
David Baker
Fielder and Lillia Whittington
Jonathan Pattiwael
Mary Banks

Nicole Probst
Shalini Joseph




Good Samaritan - Lake Forest Village
TWU College of Arts and Sciences
UNT College of Music


Denton Community Band

Denton Independent Motorcycle Shows
Music Theatre of Denton
The Links, Inc. Greater Denton County Chapter


Artists Enclave
Denton Bell Band
Denton Benefit League
Denton Community Chorus
Denton Community Market
Denton Community Theatre
Denton County Friends of the Family
Denton Festival Foundation
Denton Handweavers Guild
Denton High School Band Boosters
Denton Main Street Association
Denton Music & Arts Collaborative (DMAC)
Denton Poet’s Assembly
Denton Quilt Guild
Festival Ballet of North Central Texas
Friends with Benefits
Golden Triangle Woodturners
Leil Nahar Mid-Eastern Dance Troupe
North Central Texas College
North Texas Book Festival
Onstead Institute
Robson Ranch Music Club, Inc.

SCRAP Denton
Sundown Collaborative Theatre
Tejas Storytelling Association
Texas Winds Musical Outreach

TWU College of Arts and Sciences
TWU Department of Dance
UNT On the Square
Visual Arts Society of Texas
Voices of Flower Mound



Ed Steele Photography
First State Bank Denton
Radical Hospitality Group, LLC


Andy’s Bar
Armadillo Ale Works
PointBank Denton
Steve's Wine Bar
West Oak Coffee Bar


Bates & Martin Architects
Bob & Joanne Moses


Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc. - Tau Rho Omega Chapter
Anadara Designs
Bonduris Music School
Camino Business Management
Cultivar Capital, Inc.
Denton Gallery
Denton Moto Collective
GreenHouse Restaurant
La Rose Maison
Southern Stretch Forming, Inc.
The Dentonite