- Floralis Masculus
- nihil sinistram
nihil sinistram

nihil sinistram
“nihil sinistram” – nothing left…
The letters on the sword, NLTG… Nothing Left To Give, is representative of how it feels when a man is just done. A moment where he has given all there has been to give and there is nothing left, even for himself… leaving him wondering does he need to die before everyone else is satisfied. The sword and the rose petals before the discarded pack in the distance serves as a final defiance and challenge, “do you need to take my life before you are happy?” This is the feeling of exhaustion without having any help or support from those in your life.
“nihil sinistram” – nothing left…
The letters on the sword, NLTG… Nothing Left To Give, is representative of how it feels when a man is just done. A moment where he has given all there has been to give and there is nothing left, even for himself… leaving him wondering does he need to die before everyone else is satisfied. The sword and the rose petals before the discarded pack in the distance serves as a final defiance and challenge, “do you need to take my life before you are happy?” This is the feeling of exhaustion without having any help or support from those in your life.