- Floralis Masculus
- ut non sit vir bellator
ut non sit vir bellator

ut non sit vir bellator
“ut non sit vir bellator” – should not one be a man of war?
This piece is asking the question of what makes a man.. does war make a man? Does being in the military make you a man? Does going to war make you a man? The flowers, Gladiolus, represent the sword, a classic weapon of war now used ceremonially in military pageantry. The blue of the service cap, the red and white flowers of the gladiolus stems, are done to represent the colors of the American flag (as well as colors found in most western countries), the ideal of patriotism, the feelings of service to one’s country. In short… the stereotype of serving in the military shows your masculinity, your manhood.
“ut non sit vir bellator” – should not one be a man of war?
This piece is asking the question of what makes a man.. does war make a man? Does being in the military make you a man? Does going to war make you a man? The flowers, Gladiolus, represent the sword, a classic weapon of war now used ceremonially in military pageantry. The blue of the service cap, the red and white flowers of the gladiolus stems, are done to represent the colors of the American flag (as well as colors found in most western countries), the ideal of patriotism, the feelings of service to one’s country. In short… the stereotype of serving in the military shows your masculinity, your manhood.