- Materials: Hard + Soft Store
- Lolo Victor, 2019
Lolo Victor, 2019

Lolo Victor, 2019
Cher Musico - Denton, Texas
Lolo Victor, 2019
canvas, UV printed ink, embroidery thread, bamboo
27.25 x 21 x 1.75
Artist Statement
A lot of my pieces examine aspects of home, as it pertains to themes of identity, labor, and connection. With interests within photography & fiber, I had an image of a man I’ve never met, my grandfather, printed on canvas and then I hand-embroidered detailed aspects to signify a “connecting” thread.
Cher Musico - Denton, Texas
Lolo Victor, 2019
canvas, UV printed ink, embroidery thread, bamboo
27.25 x 21 x 1.75
Artist Statement
A lot of my pieces examine aspects of home, as it pertains to themes of identity, labor, and connection. With interests within photography & fiber, I had an image of a man I’ve never met, my grandfather, printed on canvas and then I hand-embroidered detailed aspects to signify a “connecting” thread.